Contact Us

LOCAL 1440

MAIN OFFICE # 646-386-8080 / Fax # 929-269-7367

Local Officers can be reached with contact information below

Louis Grosso
General Chairman
Phone: (917-725-2750)
Email : [email protected]

Carlos Sanchez
General Chairman Secretary
Phone: (917-838-4943)
Email: [email protected]

Nicole Massey
Phone: (718-619-3528)

Shawn Sayers
Vice President/ Vice Chairman Track & Infrastructure
Phone: (718-781-1435)

John Marchisello
Secretary/ Treasurer
Phone: (917-439-9540)
Email: [email protected]

Charles Potter
Safety Legislative Representative 
Email: [email protected]

John Meola
Vice Chairman Signals
Email: [email protected]

Sean Soper
Vice Chairman Shop Crafts
Email: [email protected]

Jason Erasmous
Vice Chairman Shop Crafts
Email: [email protected]

Curlan Compton
Vice Chairman Shop Crafts
Email: [email protected]

Aym Napoleon
Vice Chairman Transportation
Email: [email protected]

Riley O' Connell
Vice Chairman Transportation
Email: [email protected]

David Tobe
Vice Chairman Transportation
Email: [email protected] 

Chris Dettloff
Vice Chairman Track & Infrastructure
Email: [email protected]

Nicole Vila
Local Committeeperson 
Email: [email protected]

Charles Potter
Local Committeeperson 
Email: [email protected]